Cancellation Policy

Cancellation Policy for Consumers

Right of cancellation

As a consumer, you can cancel your contractual statement within 14 days in written form (in example eMail or fax) or by returning the merchandise, without stating reasons. The deadline will start earliest one day after the costumer has been received this cancellation policy.

Cancellation or return shipment of the merchandise is to be sent to:

Martina Ohr
Versandhandel für botanische Artikel
Ackerstrasse 30
90574 Rosstal

Fax:                 +49(0)9127 577399
eMail:               versandhandel [at]

Cancellation consequences

In the case of an effective cancellation the mutually received benefits are to be returned and any benefits (in example interest). Should you not be able to provide us the performance received and benefits do not or partially refund or only in deteriorated condition or issue, you will be obliged to pay compensation. For the deterioration and derived benefits, you have to pay compensation only if the uses or the deterioration is due to a deal with the merchandise, beyond the consideration of the characteristics and functioning. By "testing the properties and functioning" refers to the testing and evaluation of the respective goods, as it is possible and common in a shop. Transportable items are to be returned at our risk. You have to bear the costs for the return shipment if the delivered merchandise complies with the goods ordered and if the price of the goods which is to be returned does not exceed an amount of 40.00 Euro or if you, in the case of a higher price of the good, has not yet rendered the return service or a contractually fixed partial payment at the time of cancellation. Otherwise the return shipment is free of charge for you. In any case you have to bear the costs for the original delivery of the goods to you. Non package transportable goods will be picked at your location. Obligations to reimburse payments must be fulfilled within 30 days. The period starts for you when you send your cancellation or the goods, for us with their reception.